Swiss Hepatitis Symposium 2021
COVID-19 has affected all of us, as well as almost every area of our lives in the last one and a half years. It is not surprising that the pandemic, as several publications and a survey among our members show, has also affected viral hepatitis services in Switzerland and abroad.

29 November 2021, 13:30 bis 18:00 Universität Zürich Raum RAA-G01 (kleine Aula), Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zurich
Moderation: Catherine Boss, Reporter Research Desk Tamedia
It is therefore important to monitor the quality of care. Late presenters are affected individuals who are diagnosed at an advanced stage of the disease. The number of late presenters, an indicator already known from the HIV field, could also be important to measure progress in hepatitis care.
For the first time, a group of experts have developed a consensus definition for late presenters with chronic hepatitis C and analysed data in the German hepatitis C cohort. We are very pleased to welcome Jürgen Rockstroh at this year’s Swiss Hepatitis Symposium, who will present these data. A clear definition of late presenters is especially important in times of a pandemic and will help to monitor progress in elimination.
To succeed with overall elimination, micro-elimination of viral hepatitis among the most vulnerable population groups is crucial. Joaquin Cabezas will present successful micro-elimination strategies in Spanish prisons. And we will hear about an exciting prison project that has just been launched in Switzerland.
With new approaches, innovative projects and effective tools we will overcome the additional hurdles COVID-19 poses for hepatitis elimination.

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Credits by
- Recordings of the presentations
Youtube channel of Swiss Hepatitis
- Swiss Hepatitis Symposium 2021 (PDF)
- J. Cabezas: Micro-Elimination in Prisons (PDF)
- C. Scheidegger/ C. Gassmann: SHiPP Hepfree Prisons in Switzerland (PDF)
- J. Rockstroh: Late Presentation of chronical viral hepatitis for medical care (PDF)
- M. Fraga: Clinical Hepatitis B and C cases (PDF)
- B. Müllhaupt: Clinical Hepatitis C cases (PDF)
- AJ Schmidt: Yearly Report on Hepatitis C Epidemiology (PDF)