New: What is hepatitis B?

New: What is hepatitis B?

The leaflets are written in an easy-to-understand way and have illustrations. They are available in 13 languages and can be ordered from the Swiss AIDS Federation shop.


What is hepatitis?

Viral Hepatitis

What is hepatitis B? Against which hepatitis viruses does a vaccination protect? Is hepatitis C curable today? What are the symptoms of hepatitis? These and more information can be found here.


The Swiss Hepatitis Strategy

We want to eliminate viral hepatitis in Switzerland by 2030.

Our vision is the elimination of viral hepatitis in Switzerland. All activities of the Swiss Hepatitis Association are committed to this goal. Elimination means a 95% reduction in new infections, mortality rates, liver transplants and liver cancer due to viral hepatitis.


Information for Ukrainians

Information for Ukrainians

Where can refugees from Ukraine with HIV and/or hepatitis get information and help? Where can people in opioid substitution therapy (OST) programmes get help? Information in Ukrainian and Russian is available on the website of the Swiss AIDS Federation.

Де біженці з України, які мають ВІЛ та/або гепатит, можуть отримати інформацію та допомогу? Куди звертатися людям, які отримують опіоїдну замісну терапію (ОЗТ)? Інформація українською та російською мовами доступна на веб-сайті Швейцарської федерації СНІДу.

Где могут получить необходимую информацию и помощь беженцы из Украины, живущие с ВИЧ и/или гепатитом? Куда могут обратиться за помощью те, кто проходит опиоидную заместительную терапию (ОЗТ)? Информация на украинском и русском языках доступна на сайте Швейцарской федерации СПИДа.


Swiss Hepatitis Symposium 2023

Swiss Hepatitis Symposium 2023 - presentations are online

The theme of the Swiss Hepatitis Symposium 2023 was the simplification of care for people with viral hepatitis. Simplification has many faces, as various speakers emphasised. Click here for the presentations.


Living with Hepatitis

Living with hepatitis

If you are diagnosed with viral hepatitis, there is no reason to panic. As long as the disease is not advanced, you can lead a normal life. It is important that you find out about your disease.


Sponsors and partners

We need you!

We would be very pleased if you would support us in our efforts to maintain the Swiss competence network in the field of viral hepatitis and thus make progress in the prevention and treatment of people with hepatitis. We are still looking for donors to implement the ambitious project of a Swiss hepatitis strategy.



Neuer Bericht der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO: Todesfälle aufgrund viraler Hepatitis steigen weltweit an

Neuer Bericht der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO: Todesfälle aufgrund viraler Hepatitis steigen weltweit an

Lücken in der HCV-Versorgung von Patient:innen in dezentralen Opioid-Agonisten-Therapieprogrammen

Lücken in der HCV-Versorgung von Patient:innen in dezentralen Opioid-Agonisten-Therapieprogrammen

Studie: Fast 50% “Late Presenters” mit Hepatitis C

Studie: Fast 50% “Late Presenters” mit Hepatitis C

Debate about HCV prevalence in Switzerland

Debate about HCV prevalence in Switzerland


Faltblatt "Was ist Hepatitis B?"
Faltblatt "Was ist Hepatitis B?"
Flyer "What is hepatitis B?"
Flyer "What is hepatitis B?"
Annual Report 2022
Annual Report 2022
Leaflet "What is hepatitis C?"
Leaflet "What is hepatitis C?"
WHO Global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022-2030
WHO Global health sector strategies on, respectively, HIV, viral hepatitis, and sexually transmitted infections for the period 2022-2030
Hepatitis C – the most important questions and answers (in German, also available in French and Italian)
Hepatitis C – the most important questions and answers (in German, also available in French and Italian)